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    Zika virus/global alert

    Zika virus, abbreviated V ZIK to Zika virus in English, is an arbovirus of the family Flaviviridae member and genreFlavivirus, head of Zika fever in humans. It takes its name from the Zika forest in Uganda where it was first identified in 1947. This RNA virus is transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. This is also the only arbovirus in which sexual transmission was highlighted.
    Present in tropical regions of Asia and Africa, this virus is considered responsible for several emerging epidemics: in 2007 on the Yap Islands in Micronesia in 2013 in French Polynesia in 2014 in New Caledonia. Since 2015, it causes an epidemic in the Americas, the first cases have been detected in Brazil; this country is the most affected with more than 1.5 million cases. In February 2016, the World Health Organization announced that Zika is "a public health emergency of international concern".
    Infection Zika virus is usually well tolerated. Often asymptomatic, it can cause a syndrome similar other arboviruses with fever, rash, headache and joint pain, self-limiting. However, the infection is probably associated with the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the patient as well as microcephaly in the fetus of a pregnant woman affected. The virus may be identified by detection of the viral genome by PCR. There aucuntraitement specific. Prevention is based solely on control measures against transmission by mosquitoes (mosquito net, repellent ...).
    How the epidemic is spreading to Zika virus?
    INTERACTIVE MAP - For the World Health Organization (WHO), Zika virus constitutes a "public health emergency of global reach." This virus usually mild symptoms, but causes severe malformations in unborn babies, spread on almost every continent, through forty countries.
    The outbreak of Zika virus, which originates in Brazil, now reaches forty countries. In most cases, the number of cases is quite small but its increasing spread suggests that the epidemic has not peaked, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare emergency global public health.
    If Brazil is by far the most affected country, with over 1.5 million cases, the virus continues to spread rapidly in neighboring countries, such as Colombia, with 20,000 cases and El Salvador, with 5,000 cases. The recent discovery of a case of sexual transmission does not reassure the health authorities.
    The Asian continent vulnerable
    Asia, say experts, may be the next field propagation because of its environment, population density of many slums and the presence of the Egyptian mosquito, the virus vector. The summer monsoon in India, fueling fears of health authorities. Indonesia recenséun positive cases and Thailand.
    This disease is mild in most cases, but a danger to pregnant women fetuses of infected mothers are at high risk of developing defects.
    This arbovirus is known since 1947, when it was discovered in Uganda. But the cases reported have long remained few, and little disturbing symptoms. In 2013 and 2014, an epidemic had already declared in French Polynesia. However, it remained a much lesser extent than has started affecting Brazil late 2015, and is now spreading around the world.
    The 2014 World Cup, a giant incubator?
    The silent spread of Zika was favored by the nature of its symptoms: they are close to a simple flu-like symptoms or even dengue or chikungunya, where they exist. In 80% of cases, the infected person develops symptoms. Consequently, the first outbreaks were not seriously prices.
    According to the Obs, this Brazilian epidemic took root during the World Cup 2014 football, which operated as a "giant incubator." The Olympics, which should stick to 2016, making the fight against this somewhat more complicated infection. Brazil has already recommended for pregnant women to attend.

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